مصر - محافظة الغربية - طنطا -أول فيشا سليم
Egypt-Algharbia governerate - Tanta - First Fisha Slim
Tanta - Fisha Slim
8 a.m - 5 p.m
Sunday off
Zewail bicycle is not only for stylish rides but also to remind you of the road romance and the desire to move forward.
Zewail More
بيدج زويلدراجة ماركة زويل
مقاس 20-225
العنوان طنطا اول فيشا سليم
In our market place we have a good products made of high quality.
we have a great reputation in the Egyptian market in bicycle field and kinds need Zewail Brand.
Tell us about your Purchase experience with Zewail.
Eman Zewail
store owner
شركة زويل للدراجات بجميع المقاسات والاشكال ماركة زويل وغيرها ذات الجودة العالية,ولدينا ايضا الكثير من مستلزمات الاطفال.
Zewail Company for all bicycles size and shapes etc,which are high quality,and also we have a lot of kids needs.
مصر - محافظة الغربية - طنطا -أول فيشا سليم
Egypt-Algharbia governerate - Tanta - First Fisha Slim
8 a.m - 5 p.m
Sunday off